Here are some magazines of yesteryear.

Girl’s teenage magazines were in great demand during the seventies and eighties with titles such as Jackie (Dundee, UK), Blue Jeans (Dundee, UK), Patches (Dundee, UK), Oh Boy! (London, UK), My Guy (London, UK), Mates (London, UK), Photo-Love (London, UK), Fab 208 (London, UK), Fab Hits (London, UK), Heartbeat (London, UK), Girl (London, UK), OK! Age Tendre (France), Generation (Denmark), Quinze Ans (France), Anita (Netherlands), Blondie (Netherlands), Vi Tjejer (Sweden), Bravo (Germany), Mädchen (Germany), Teen Bag (USA), Tiger Beat (USA), Teen Life (USA), Co-ed (USA), 16 (USA), Teen Beat (USA) and many more… But few remain now.

I have illustrated in magazines, mostly across Europe and South Africa, but don’t have a record of all my illustrations sold by my agents, or even a list of the magazines they were sold to. For example, I know I sold many illustrations to a magazine called Generation in Denmark but I have yet to find a single copy or image of the magazine. Likewise with the name or names of magazines that my illustrations were sold to in South Africa.

Here are some colourful covers from teen magazines across the world…

‘Anita’ (Medianet BV, Haarlem, Netherlands).
‘Fab Hits’. (Final issue, September 1980. IPC magazines, UK).
OK! Age Tendre’. (Filipacchi éditée par Union des Editions Modernes (UEM) SARL, France).
‘Mates’. (IPC magazines, UK).
‘OK Age Tendre’. (Filipacchi éditée par Union des Editions Modernes (UEM) SARL, France).
‘Photo-Love’. (IPC magazines, UK)
‘True Romance’, (Argus Press, UK).
‘Bravo’, (Heinrich Bauer Zeitschriften Verlag KG, Germany).
‘Photo-Love’ Annual 1980, (IPC magazines, UK).
‘My Guy’ Annual 1981, (IPC magazines, UK).
‘Vi Unge’, (Aller Media, Denmark).
‘Bunty’, (D.C. Thomson, 1958 – 2001, UK).
‘Teen’, 1956. (Petersen Publishing Company, USA 1954 – 2009).
‘Tiger Beat’, (The Laufer Company, USA).
‘Tú’, (Televisa Publications, Mexico).
‘Donna Moderna’, (Arnoldo Mondadori Editore SPA, Italy).
‘Dolly’ (ACP, Australia).
‘Teen Time’, (USA).
‘Bravo’, (Pabel Moewig, Bauer Verlagsgrupp, Germany).
‘American Girl’, 1953. (Girl Scouts of America. Published as ‘The Rally’ in 1917, then ‘American Girl’ in 1920 – 1979).
Miasto Kobiet. (ETNA, Poland).
Bravo Girl! (Poland).
‘Sinä Minä’ magazine. (Finland).
‘Suzy’. (DC Thomson magazines, UK).
Oh Boy! (IPC magazines, UK).
‘Anita’ (Medianet BV, Haarlem, Netherlands).
‘Photo-Love’. (IPC magazines, UK).
‘Anita’ (Medianet BV, Haarlem, Netherlands).
‘Blue Jeans’. (DC Thomson, UK).
‘Mädchen’, (Juerg Marquard, Germany).
‘Disco ’80’ Annual, (Brown Watson, UK).
‘Blue Jeans’ Annual 1983, (DC Thomson, UK)
‘Ung Nu’, (Denmark).
‘Girl and Tammy’, (IPC magazines, UK).
‘Sassy’, (Lang Communications, USA).
‘LàTeen’, (USA).
‘Seventeen’, (Media24, South Africa).
‘Cioè Girl’, (Edizioni Cioè, Italy).
‘Muslim Girl’, (ExecuGo Media, Canada).
‘Teen World’, (USA).
‘Rocky’ (Germany).
‘Teen’ 1964, (Petersen Publishing Company, USA 1954 – 2009).
Lilita. (Latvia)
Black Beat. (USA).
‘Pink’. (IPC magazines, UK).
‘True Romances’ magazine (UK).
‘Anita’ (Medianet BV, Haarlem, Netherlands).
‘Vi Tjejer’. (Sweden).
‘My Guy’. (IPC magazines, UK).
‘True Story’. (Argus Press, UK).
‘Co-ed’. (Scholastic Magazines, USA).
‘Seventeen’, (News Corporation, USA).
‘Patches’ Annual 1982, (DC Thomson, UK).
‘Fab 208’ Annual 1981, (IPC magazines, UK).
‘Joepie’, (N.V. Sparta, Belgium).
‘Cocoa Girl’ (Cocoa Publishing, UK).
‘Twist’, (Bauer Publishing, USA).
‘Kiss’, (VIP, Ireland).
‘Calling All Girls’, (Parents’ Magazine Press, USA).
‘Cioè’, (Edizioni Cioè, Italy).
Conservative Teen, (USA).
‘Girlz’, (Audax Publishing B.V., Netherlands).
‘Popcorn’, (Germany).
Heygirl. (Turkey).
Defiant Ones. (USA).
Das Deutsche Mädel. 1939. (Office for Press and Propaganda of the Reich Youth Leadership, Germany).